1) The Affordable Care Act has such high deductibles in many cases that it only gives the illusion of providing insurance. Insurers are beginning to leave the system or go broke because too many sick people and not enough well people are in the mix.And the final irony, people who could not afford medical insurance before ACA will now be fined because they can’t afford ACA insurance.
2) The Iran nuclear “agreement” is no agreement at all. It has not been and will not be presented to the Senate for approval and so is not binding on us. It has not been signed by Iran and so is not binding on them. In addition President Obama’s assurances that any violations by Iran will be met with swift reimposition of sanctions lacks any credibility since Iran has just completed its second test of a long range ballistic missile. This violation against either developing or testing such missiles has resulted in no action by the Obama administration. Tough talk by the President with by now typical lack of substance. The nuclear “agreement” with Iran frees up billions of dollars to Iran with virtually nothing in return.
3) The Department of Homeland Security is hopelessly broken. Recent testimony before Congress has shown they have no idea where tens of thousands of illegal aliens are (yes, dear Liberals, that is the label used by the State Department). These are people whose visas have been revoked because of terrorist concerns or who are felons captured and released by immigration officials “at there own discretion” the laws be damned. In a recent test of airport security checkpoints only 5% of airports tested successfully detected weapons carried by agents. And “what the fuck,” to borrow a phrase from a former student of mine. “Sanctuary cities” where immigration law will not be enforced.
4) The claims by the administration of “extremely robust” vetting if refugees are so without credible foundation as to not even be worthy of further discussion. But our borders are already so porous that it really doesn’t matter. The administration has been a complete failure in protecting America from undesirable entry.
5) Out Nobel Peace Prize President continues the policy of perpetual war but with a twist. We no longer know who we are arming or why, have alienated our friends and allies, emboldened our enemies and pretty much confused everyone with a foreign policy that makes no sense to anyone.
6) The Paris climate change “agreement” is once again only the illusion of an agreement. The goals are too low to have any significant impact on the rise in the average temperature of Earth, lack any enforcement mechanism or penalties for failure to comply even with these watered down goals AND completely ignores the rights of indigenous people to have any voice in the use of their ancestral lands. Disgraceful deception presented as a “breakthrough.”
7) The longest lived and weakest economic recovery in at least the last fifty years. A relentless regulatory environment that is anti-business.
8) The biggest perception anyway of unfavorable race relations in my memory is happening on President Obama’s watch. This is ironic and unexpected, but there it is.
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