Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Future of the Muslim World

   Having delusional leadership does not lead to a winning strategy. Mr. President, the "I" in IS stands for ISLAMIC. While of course not every Muslim is a terrorist but pretty much every recent terrorist has been a Muslim. To ignore this obvious fact limits thinking when looking for a solution. NOW WE HAVE MORE BOMBING BY MORE WESTERN COUNTRIES. Does this sound like Einstein's definition if insanity? 
- How about acknowledging the obvious and instead of bombing we offer help. And encourage a mostly moribund moderate Islamic leadership to take on and challenge the ISIS movement ON RELIGIOUS GROUNDS. If ISIS is distorting Islam, protect Islam. How about a fatwah against the ISIS leaders instead of cartoonists. GET THE DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH TO DEFEND IT IF IT US SO PEACEFUL AS THEY CLAIM AND IS BEING MISREPRESENTED.
- We should not be waging a war of ideas with IS. That is the job of the mainstream alleged moderate Muslim clerics. They need to show what they're made of and defend their faith from those WE claim hijacked it. So far they have been AWOL as have the political leaders of most oil-producing Arab countries.
- A president who seems paralyzed by the fear of offending Muslims inspires very little confidence. Put the ball in the court of the so-called moderate Arab clerics. DRAIN ISIS NOT OF WEAPONS BUT OF THE RELIGIOUS LEGITIMACY YOU REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE!
- This should not be a Western-style war. This should be a war for the hearts and minds of the Muslim world FROM WITHIN the Muslim world.

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